Wat Zeggen Anderen Over BEATRIX?

When I started as CEO of Copus Group a few months ago, my basic German from school and a few ski trips was not enough to communicate smoothly with the teams in our German companies. 

Beatrix proved to be the perfect solution for me to quickly retrain in very practical German, both for speaking and understanding. Beatrix was very flexible and made sure that her lessons were adapted to my level, my needs and the sector I work in. 

As well as being a very good teacher, Beatrix is also a very pleasant and fun teacher and the lessons were not only very useful but also very enjoyable and we laughed a lot.

In a few months and a few lessons I have made a lot of progress and gained a lot of confidence in German.  

Thank you Beatrix. Highly recommended!

Dieter Struye

CEO Copus Group

Just six months ago, I had no knowledge of German. When I learned that my organization only allowed for online courses, I was skeptical about their effectiveness. However, I was quickly impressed by the quality of Beatrix’s courses. They are well-structured and comprehensive, clearly developed with care. My goal was to focus equally on writing and speaking, with ample attention to pronunciation. The course skillfully balances vocabulary, grammar, learning of declensions and conjugation. Beatrix offers a variety of exercises that suited my level Including both listening and reading comprehension exercises. Additionally, Beatrix is a pleasant, patient, and highly professional teacher.

I want to highlight and also thank Beatrix for her flexibility, which accommodates my work hours. I am truly delighted with our collaboration, which I hope will continue for a long time.

Aurore Despontin

General Manager Internal Support Services - SPF BOSA

I wanted to learn German for a business reason. Thanks to Beatrix, who is a great personality and empathic well experienced teacher, I take now successfully my business challenges. Value was delivered because she understood why I needed German, and she created the link between my learning and my professional ambitions. The personal approach created speed in learning, but in a positive constructive environment. Her professional and multi-cultural background creates understanding, which leads to progress. Thank you Beatrix!”

Bob Serneels

CEO at Stepco - Twinsec

“Beatrix is een heel aangename, vriendelijke vrouw met fantastische ideeën die het werk aangenamer en gemakkelijker laat verlopen. Ze geeft zichzelf 100% en is heel behulpzaam. Beatrix denkt ook graag mee aan de toekomstplannen, ze zal hiervoor graag een oplossing zoeken en zal deze dan ook correct uitvoeren. Wijzelf hebben een heel aangename samenwerking met Beatrix.“

Wendy Franken

De Craecker Service te Stabroek

“Beatrix Van Onsem heeft me absoluut op weg geholpen om me vlot te leren uitdrukken in het Duits.
Beatrix werkt op maat van de klant en bereidt zich goed voor om het maximale uit de les te halen, door de gepersonaliseerde conversaties lukt het snel je op een duidelijke manier uit te drukken in jouw vakdomein.
Door de flexibiliteit waarmee Beatrix werkt is de wekelijkse les goed in te plannen in een drukke agenda.
De heel aangename babbels met Beatrix leren je Duits op een vlotte, toffe en vooral efficiënte manier.”

Ilse Rommel  

Creatief consultant

“Omdat ik steeds meer Duitse patiënten heb, vind ik het belangrijk mijn Duits naar een goed niveau te brengen.  Het is een enorme meerwaarde te kunnen communiceren met een “native speaker”. Alleen daardoor krijgt men immers direct voeling met het hedendaags taalgebruik en de courante uitdrukkingen. Ik koos ervoor de klemtoon vooral op spreken te leggen en de thema’s zelf aan te geven, maar zo nodig biedt Beatrix ook grammaticale ondersteuning.  Ze beschikt over een heel arsenaal aan leerboeken, en kan dus op om het even welk niveau grammaticale oefeningen aanbieden.  Beatrix geeft niet alleen uitstekend les: door haar energie, haar enthousiasme en positieve ingesteldheid voelt elke les ook als een aangename ontmoeting. “

Bruno De Meyere

Plastisch chirurg - Kliniek Artemedis te Gent

Before I left for Innsbruck (Austria), I could not speak German at all. By attending an intensive crash course from Beatrix, I am currently able to make myself easily understood here. This is an unbelievable success in Just one week. On top of that, her way of teaching is tailor-made for the student. This combined with her personal charm makes the lessons very instructive and pleasant.

Cedric Emmanuel Verbesselt

MSC Business Engineering at KU Leuven

I have had the pleasure to work with B. Van Onsem, bringing me up to speed on my German language skills. Learning German with Beatrix is done in a professional manner, very engaging and also with a good sense of humor. The pace is high, but that is exactly what I was hoping for. The real benefit is that you’re being pushed to speak and express yourself in German, which is the quickest way to learn the language. Beatrix is very flexible and will adapt language training and courses to your needs and above all, she will go the extra mile to help you for a successful start in Germany, as was my case. Beyond being very personable, Beatrix is well organized, timely and truly a professional in the field of learning and development.

Bart Lorrez

Vice President Finance - Mauser Packaging Solutions